Title:Kune Kune Pigs for sale! Name: Hope Bennett Website:www.minilivestock.com Location:Cleveland
Paradise Valley Farm Located in Cleveland, GA has some adorable baby Kune Kune Pigs! 4 males & 1 female available! Males priced at $900 and the female at $1100. Kune Kune pigs a wonderful type of pig originally found in New Zealand. These pigs are known for their laid back and friendly personality. Though the can get between 100-250 pounds, these pigs are still considered miniature compared to some of their larger cousins. Males generally get between 200-240 lbs at about 30 inches tall and females range between 120-200 lbs and are about 24 inches tall. For more information please visit our website http://www.minilivestock.com/kune-kune-pigs.html. If you are interested in a pig, please contact us via email: info@minilivestock.com or phone: 706-348-7279