LNL MiniFarm raises and sells small livestock for small homesteads. There are many advantages to our little cross bred beef cattle. Our herd is made up of a red Lowline bull, zebu cows, Lowline x zebu cows, guinea Pineywoods and Corriente cows. They are very hardy little beef cattle. They are heat tolerant, as well as disease and parasite resistant. They are more affordable than purebred Lowline. Lowlines are also known as Aberdeen Angus. They efficiently convert grass to beef. They have a higher cut-out due to smaller frame size. They can be raised on smaller pastures. They require less feed, hay, minerals etc....due to smaller size. Due to bulls we use, all calves are polled, no horns. Due to their size, they are easier to handle and there is less chance of being injured by them. This is good for first time farmers and youngsters as well as older farmers that want something that is more manageable. If you decide to process one, they are small enough that you don't have to be concerned with selling half or having enough freezer space. These are great little animals for small acreages.
All available calves and cattle can be seen at http://www.lnlminifarm.com/for_sale.htm
Bull calves start at $850. Heifer calves start at $1350.
We calve year round. Please let us know if you would like to be on the contact list for new calves.
You can also learn more about our farm by viewing our website at http://www.lnlminifarm.com/ or check us out on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/pages/LNL-Minifarm/297451976978875